An order that has shipped from our location or a supplier can not be cancelled, these are classified as returns. All shipments are shipped FOB Shipping Point. Once the package leaves our dock, it becomes the responsibility of the customer, NOT Willobeez Performance. Unfortunately once it has shipped restocking fees will apply if they are applicable. Special order items, custom built items will not be able to be returned. For this reason it is extremely important to check your invoice or order form.
New Product Returns
If a product is ordered and not wanted, the UNUSED item can be returned for a 25% restocking fee. In some cases, we may offer the ability to return the item to us for a lesser restocking fee and then keep the balance as a store credit. To return an item, it must be in brand new condition with original packaging. If the item cannot be resold or is a special order or custom made item, we cannot accept a return. Shipping is non refundable in either direction unless approved by Willobeez Performance. All items wanting to be return MUST be reported within 30 days of the original invoice date. No items will be returnable after 30 days. All products shipped from the Willobeez Performance require a signature when delivered. Some packages shipped from the manufacturer may or may not require signatures for package release. FedEx, UPS, USPS, and DHL have package pick up locations if you are unable to sign for the package. If the package is returned to Willobeez Performance or manufacturer, you will be responsible for the return shipping costs and pay a 25% restocking fee if you choose to not have the item reshipped. These fees will be charged to your account on file or will be invoiced to you.
Please contact Customer Service at (570) 873-3338 or email us at sales@willobeez-performance.com for assistance with International Returns. These returns will be handled on an individual basis and credit is not guaranteed.
International Shipping
All international shipments may be subject to customs fees, import duties and taxes. Any charges associated with the importation of products purchased from Willobeez Performance or our affiliates are the responsibility of the buyer. Any costs resulting from the refusal to import a product purchased through Willobeez Performance or our affiliates may result in additional charges.
Non-Returnable Products
Shipping Errors
If you have received fewer items than the quantity ordered or a different item from the one ordered, call (570) 873-3338 or email us at sales@willobeez-performance.com and to work with a Willobeez Performance Customer Service Representative. If an incorrect item is sent a return label will be issued so that the item can be returned. The correct item will be shipped and/or a credit will be issued.
Return of Defective Items/Warranty
The manufacturer may require you to work directly with them to authorize the return of defective or warranty items. We can help customers in obtaining the information from the manufactures for the return of defective or warranty items. However, Willobeez may not always be able to accept the return directly.
Parts Damaged in Shipping
Small Package/ UPS, FedEx and USPS
For damaged UPS or FedEx shipments, please call (570) 873-3338 or email us at sales@willobeez-performance.com for a Willobeez Performance Customer Service Representative within 5 business days. We will handle the claim on your behalf.
Shipping companies require the original packing for inspection. It is the customers’ responsibility to keep original packaging.
LTL Truck Shipment
Inspect all products for damage and confirm product quantity at time of receipt. If LTL shipment is damaged refuse receipt. Signature of receipt is confirmation that product is received in good condition. Notify a Willobeez Performance Customer Service Representative at (570) 873-3338 or email us at sales@willobeez-performance.com within 24 hours if you refuse LTL shipment due to damage.
If LTL shipment is damaged in transit replacement of product is subject to availability.
Unauthorized Returns
Warranty Returns
Return Instructions
*Disclaimer: Freight Collect Shipments will be refused by Willobeez Performance. Returned items damaged due to inadequate packing by the customer will be subject to an additional 15% handling fee or loss of credit. Willobeez Performance is not responsible for damaged or lost shipments.